Provisional 2014 Film Festival Programme – Saturday 18th October 2014 @ 13:00,
The Old Market Hall,
2013, United Kingdom, 89 min
Director: Jeremy Jeffs, Mark Ravenhill
Certificate: TBC
It Goes With the Shoes, tells the story of gay rights icon, Bette Bourne who took on the establishment with high heels and lipstick, playing a vital role in the fight for gay liberation during the 70's & 80's.
Followed by Q&A session with the star Bette Bourne!
Bette Bourne: Movie. The trailer from Jeremy Jeffs on Vimeo.
With camp-wit and outrageous humour the film sheds light on a hidden part of gay history: from the early meetings of the Gay Liberation Front, to the first mass gay protests in Europe. The film follows Bette’s life in a gay drag commune in London’s Notting Hill and then on to a European road trip with drag superstars, The Bloolips, a real life Priscilla Queen of the Desert adventure of discovery and politics.
With acclaimed playwright Mark Ravenhill as a guide, the film paints an uproarious and moving portrait of an engaging and charismatic gay icon.
Bette Bourne will be attending for a Questions and Answers following the film.
Screening Sponsored by Jonathan Cutbill & Telford & Wrekin Community Safety Partnership

Jonathon Cutbill (Shrewsbury)

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